
As you all know the holiday season is coming soon and with it an opportunity to earn big and earn smart. Many eCommerce retailers fail to capitalize on the holiday season and end up regretting that they could have done better. If you are planning to sell using your eCommerce website, it is absolutely vital that you optimize your website. Here’s how you can do that:

1. Begin Implementing a Usability Review

Small, medium or even large businesses, who conduct most of their business via eCommerce websites, at times are so engrossed in their preparations pertaining to brand marketing and merchandising that they completely forget about the little issues which can bring their websites to a complete halt and result in a massive loss for them. When you are preparing for the holiday season, it is important that you don’t overlook issues like category labels and error messages which could end up confusing your customers. A confused customer will not think twice about coming back to your website to shop. So, make sure you take care of these little things first.

2. Refresh Important Website Elements

It is no surprise that the holiday season can either make or break your business. This is especially true for online marketers and retailers. In order to make sure that your website does not end up becoming a pain at the last moment, it is crucial that you take some time out to optimize or improve the core elements of your website so you can improve your sales process. Do it now so that you are prepared for Cyber Monday before it rolls around.

3. Use Custom Holiday Landing Pages

Try to get custom landing pages designed which look more engaging and make customers think twice about leaving the website without at least looking at what you have to offer. Standard landing pages are boring and seem monotonous. So, get something festive designed for the coming holiday season.

4. Offer Free Shipping on Your Website and Promote it

A majority of eCommerce experts suggest that online retailers should encourage free shipping on their websites. If you already plan to offer free shipping, it is important that you advertise it to your customers. You can do that by posting a banner on your website’s homepage and on your social media platforms. The phrase ‘Free Shipping’ should definitely help attract more customers to your business.

5. Plan Your Content and Optimize Merchandising

It is important that you take care of the redesigning and optimization of your eCommerce website a month or so before the holiday season. Now, all you have to focus on is the website content you produce and your inventory optimization. And while doing this, it is vital that you don’t try and guess what your customer wants or desires. You simply can’t do that. As long as you make sure that the content you add is relevant and that your site runs smoothly, the rest will fall into place.

So, with these five tips in mind, try to make the most of this year’s holiday season and give it your best.

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