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create about us page

Best Practices for Creating “About Us” Page

Are you planning to create a new website or revamp your existing blog? Maybe, you want to create another website. The question is how do you present yourself and your brand to the new audience? How are you going to tempt your visitors into buying from your store or at least sticking around your website?

When your audience checks your homepage, they try to navigate to the About Us section to gather information about your business and the services you provide. This section gives them all the details they need about your brand, who you are, what does your team specializes in, and how long have you been offering the particular products and services. This one section that can have a great impact on your customers’ buying decisions. 

  • Keep it 100% Authentic

It goes without saying that the About Us page you publish on your website must be genuine. Every piece of information you add to this section should be authentic. You can add a few images and media that explain your company’s details. 

Tell your visitors about your mission and vision. What do you want to achieve? Is it solely a for-profit website or do you intend to do charity work as well? Mention everything you plan on achieving through this website. Just make sure that you don’t write a lengthy page. It has to be short and straight to the point. 

  • Cover “Who” 

Who are you? Who is the founder and manager of the company? Who had the idea of starting this brand? What team have you hired? Webmasters design the About Us page to share their personal details with the audience. It gives your audience the information about your team, brand, and experience. 

You can also use this section to get qualified and experienced people to join your team. If you are hiring and looking for fresh talent, then mention it in the About Us section and post a link where the interested candidates can submit their CV and job application.

  • About Your Business

If you don’t manage to give your audience the idea of what you do and what your business is all about, there is a good chance that they will abandon your website right away and never intend to come back.

If you are able to convey the message in brief, then that is wonderful. But, if you need to make it a detailed page, go for it. Add as much information as it takes to educate the audience about your brand. It can totally be a comprehensive section. Anything is better than being vague about what you do. If you want to generate leads and traffic to your website, then craft the About Us page properly. 

Keep the language simple and easy to read. Remember that a hard-to-read language and vague information will do nothing but confuse your readers. They will never want to do business with your company.

  • Tell Your Story

We think people might not be interested to know the owner’s personal story. Contrary to the popular belief, your audience wants to know how you started this brand and built a community. They want to know what inspired you to start the company.

This section must also reveal the year you started the business. If you started with the land-based business, then mention it clearly. Don’t go overboard with the story. Keep it real, short, and engaging. It is a great way to build an emotional connection with your audience.If you are still not sure about how to craft the About Us page, take help from a website development company.

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