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Instant Messages

Captivate Your Customers by Sending Instant Messages on Order Status

Order on an eCommerce store with swift navigation is surely going to make a shopper fall for that site. Still, how an online shop owner can boost customer loyalty? Well, they need to a small tweak to send instant messages to customer on their Order Status until the date of their order arrival.

Magento Twilio Extension – Send Instant Messages

It is one of the most composed processes to attract customer to your website and gain repeat customers. Thus, Magento has launched their new extensions to help shop owners add this capability. Magento Twilio Extension is easy to create just a few lines of coding by a professional.

Magento Extensions like Twilio helps to set up business rules that determine when the app triggers an alert or notification. The alert makes sure Twilio sends an instant messages to the customers without delay.

Magento Twilio Extension – helps to ease of communication

As the SMS messages are instant, inexpensive and reliable, so unlike emails they are going to attract customer’s immediate attention. That is why they one of the best communication channels for everyone. All types of local or global, online businesses can send instant messages to customers on Order Status. This will help them to keep a tap on the order. One can know when were the order shipped, where it has reached and the approximate date of arrival.
The proactive alerts and notification takes place within a fixed interval and triggers a message to the targeted customer. For the business, which involves many logistics Magento Extensions such as Twilio is the best.

How professionals can help with such kind of Magento Extensions?

Professional developers can install Twilio on your Magento store easily. As they know the right process to tweak the app writing a few lines of code. You will have peace of mind of knowing that your messages have reached the destination and you will enable a streamlined business operation.

Examples of Business Types Who Can Benefit from Magento Twilio Extension

  • If you have a business to sell concert tickets, with such Magento extensions you can make sure that the ticket delivers on time. The proactive notification will ensure customer satisfaction.
  • If you are selling a product that has a similar form in the market, you can initiate a warning alert and send them to your customers to stay away from fraud product.
  • If you want to maintain the security and integrity of your customers, you can warn them about any suspicious activity in their account through SMS as per customer’s preference.
  • For the air travel companies it allows them to let the customer know about flight status, itinerary changes, discounts, hotel booking status and more.

So to know about the status of the order they have sought, thus boost customer loyalty then you need to install Twilio on your Magento Store. To know more about it, talk to a professional developer today!

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