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SEO tools

Growth And Usage Of Seo Tools In Next 5 Years

Search Engine optimization has changed vastly during the past few years. A number of SEO strategies and tactics and SEO tools are introduced for efficient performance as Google making more than 500 algorithms updates every year. Moreover, in future mobile searches are expected to replace the desktop search. With all these changes to occur in the SEO space, the website domain also makes efforts to grow in terms of size, latest technology, design, visitors and user friendliness.

Apart from these, high competition has become intense with innovative strategies to attain search engine visibility. Optimizing a website using diverse SEO Software’s to tackle the changing scenario has been a real challenge. While following the basic SEO guidelines, On Page and Off Page strategies are still important- a sustainable growth from organic search can only be achieved by following some strategies that go beyond the basic tactics.

What is an SEO tool?

SEO tools find wider usage in online commerce websites to ensure keyword density, proper back links, competitor analysis, ranking in searching engines etc.

List of SEO software’s

Put great efforts to rank high in the search engine, for that you need to analyze on affordable SEO tools that suits your purpose. These affordable tools can be used to improve your search engines, identify optimum keywords and many more.

Some of the SEO tools are:

Growth of SEO tools usage in 2013 to 2015

According to a study, the usage of SEO tools in the years 2013 to 2015 witnessed a progress mainly due to the onset of eCommerce platforms across the world slowly replacing the offline shopping practice. Also, the findings revealed the fact that in the year 2015, mobile searches will surpass desktop searches in terms of volume, due to the onset of m-commerce software that overtook the eCommerce marketing facilities. Also in the year 2016, the study predicts that mobile searches will increase by 32% than desktop searches by users. Alongside the enhancement in mobile searches, the growth in the usage of SEO automation tools has also witnessed significant change.

When it comes to search results, Google has given a high priority on websites that offer best user experience. So, in future, Google’s logical step in ranking yardstick will be mobile friendly search.


The use of enterprise SEO analytics tool is important for websites to drive more traffic flow. With the advancement in technology the SEO strategies also finds modifications. Hence, to improve website traffic stay tuned to the year-wise SEO trend.

SEO Kryptons