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How to Improve the Conversion in Online Store

Without conversions, your online store is only as good as any ordinary web pages on the internet. When you begin to receive sales, you tend to get to know more about your market, especially about your customers. Through making use of this data, you can advance your business process and even enable you to predict future outcomes.

Tips to improve your conversion in Online Store

With the proliferation of online store across the world, business people are facing high competition to reach out to customers and enhance conversion rate. In order to achieve high rate of conversion, you need to design your eCommerce website in such a manner to attract your customers to get to know of your varied products or services and end up with a sale. On the other hand, if your website is not attractive, visitors will simply browse through your web pages and slide to other sites to search for what they need. Let us examine a few aspects that need to be taken care of while you design your eCommerce website that can ensure client retention as well as convert your prospective customers.

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Compose product descriptions that sell

Simply writing a product description listing features on your eCommerce marketplace cannot be effective, but needs to be a bit more compelling than that. A compelling product description is one that tempts your customers and makes them crave to access the product. Your product descriptions should be a seductive presentation of what you intend to sell your target customers and make them feel like this product is created just for them.

Provide impeccable quality product pictures

The first thing a buyer viewing your product page is to look at the product image you have posted. If the product image looks shabby, then he will not evince interest and could avoid your site all together even if the product description you wrote is of high quality. Of course, a picture is more effective than a thousand word description.

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Use video

What you cannot explain everything to your customers with a simple picture can be achieved through using a video presentation of your product in your eCommerce website. Using video gives you the opportunity to effectively explain your products in such a way that a static picture cannot offer. Videos are a perfect way to let your customers understand more about your products. When customers get to know of your product through a video, the probability of their conversion is higher.

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Design an excellent checkout process

An intricate checkout process results in a decreased conversion rates. This is a thing which the eCommerce merchants are well aware of, as it complicates the checkouts online are present. A shopper accessing an online store always prefers to have checkout to be as simple as making an offline purchase. But it is not that simple, because there is a lot of information you need to collect. Hence, it recommends to make your checkout as simple as possible to augment conversion rates.

The first step in the process of simplification of checkout is to allow your customers checkout without registering, if possible. If this is not possible, keep the information form short and concise. Do not tax too much of customers’ time on accessing personal information, because several shoppers will simply stop in the middle of the checkout process. You must let them view and edit the product order within the same checkout page through providing photos, specifications, and links for the products in the basket. This will certainly lead to a happier customer and more willing to complete a purchase. Thus this will enhance your conversion rates.

Read also: PayPal Gateway module for checkout process in PrestaShop Store

Offer customers multiple payment methods

This is a very critical matter as customers are often more skeptical when making online payment for the purchases made. To make sure that your checkout process facilitates everyone, you need to offer a reliable mode of making payment. Not everyone is happy paying through credit cards and not offering an alternative can also cost you a sale. Different modes of payment are even more significant when you are targeting an international eCommerce market. These markets have a preferred payment mode and if you fail to offer, then you will lose that sale.

Read also: First Data GGe4 checkout for seamless payment in Magento

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