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Magento Marketplace

Magento Marketplace – For Successful and Reliable Business

What is a marketplace? As everybody knows, marketplace is a place where people gather for buying and selling purposes. If you have ever gone to a marketplace, you would have seen different products being sold by various sellers. The similar strategy follows even in the eCommerce business. Planning to enhance your online business? Then convert your e-store into a highly beneficial magento marketplace!

Are you a Magento user?

Magento is voted as the popular and powerful eCommerce platform widely used to create attractive eCommerce websites. Hence, It considers appropriate for small to medium businesses. With the Magento online store, merchants can offer an excellent shopping experience to their customers.

The following benefits make Magento the most popular eCommerce platform:

  • More flexible and also easy to use
  • Large collection of templates
  • Third-party apps and plugin library

So, if you are a Magento user, i.e., have a website built on the Magento platform, then the Magento Marketplace Extension is a boon to you.

Magento Marketplace

This Marketplace extension when implemented on to your website opens many doors for other buyers and sellers. People who sell their goods have to register on your site. The site admin can then provide commission according to the sales. Any normal Magento store can transform into a marketplace.

Key features of marketplace:

  • Add configurable products
  • Vendor vacation mode
  • Attractive seller panel
  • Seller payout
  • Stock import and also export
  • Commission by seller, product, category, customer group and product type
  • Commission type can be either percentage or fixed

The ‘Add configurable products’ feature allows the site admin to provide options to add configurable products. Another unique feature is the Vendor vacation mode. This functionality enables his products to display.

Seller Portal Features:

  • Special and also attractive seller control panel
  • Interface to manage profile, products, orders, invoices, manifests and payments in one place
  • Ability to update their profile information, password information and view commission information
  • Ability to upload Shop logo and add shop URL
  • Add simple products and also configurable products
  • Add existing products from catalog.
  • Ability to view their orders, invoices, pending dispatches, manifests.
  • Ability to view their payment history.
  • Get instant notifications about orders, products and payment from admin.

Commissions Offered

The marketplace site owner can offer commission based on seller, products, product category, customer group and product type. The bulk payout to the sellers is also possible in this Marketplace extension.

Therefore, the Magento Marketplace extension helps you to run an innovative eCommerce store in this competitive world.

Magento Crew


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