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Making Payment Without Redirection – OpenCart PayPal Advanced Module

Do you know what really happens the time when you click on check out on your shopping site? Read on to know about OpenCart Paypal Module.

Lots of processing payment transactions happens on your website. These kinds of transactions are done using payment gateways. A shopping site without a payment gateway is quite impossible. Merchants who prefer to begin an online store would really go in search of an eCommerce website implemented with advanced payment functionality. Let us think about the most used payment service providers among the business people located globally. PayPal is one of the most used global payment service provider viewed in numerous shopping sites.

Merchant wish their customers to experience seamless checkout without the need of redirection. OpenCart PayPal Payment Advanced Module is an OpenCart extension, which integrates with the OpenCart ecommerce Software to accept credit card payments quickly and affordably with PayFlow Payment Gateway through PayPal Partner. PayPal has launched a new product as PayPal Payments Advanced which allows the customer to stay on the site to make payments. This is used in this module for the customers to experience smooth flow of checkout.

PayPal charges $5/month for this service. As soon as the customer clicks on check out, enters the credit card details by staying on the shopping site without the need of redirecting the customer to PayPal site. Payments will be accepted within the site. OpenCart PayPal Payment Module collects all credit data, validates and passes to the module. Merchant can view the customer’s payment transaction via merchant account. Back office team of this module offers four default payment settings to be reflected on the payment page of the merchant.

Payment Gateway Integration setting supported by this module is “Authorize and Capture”, “Authorize only and “Capture later”, “Cancel/Void”, and “Refund”. “Authorize and Capture” is done for the customers whose credit details is checked and the product is ready for shipment. “Authorize only and Capture later” is applicable for the customers whose credit details is checked and verified but they have placed the product shipment on hold due to some unavoidable reasons. “Cancel/Void” is done when the customer wants to cancel the purchased product.

“Refund” is done when the customer is not satisfied with the purchase of the product and reclaims for the product payment. Another feature supported by this module is the merchant can capture the authorized payments from the module backend. This module is compatible for single domain/website. Doesn’t support for more than one than one website, if you wish to install in subsequent domains/websites, a separate license has to be purchased.

To know more about other OpenCart Modules

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