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Open Source ERP

New Era of Open Source ERP in Project Management by eGrove Systems

ERP, the new challenging throb of project management has sneaked itself into a wide array of organizations and enterprises today. Starting from the MNCs to small scale enterprises, ERP serves to produce complete functionality in organization and processes that serve to keep the business on track. Ever since the golden days of using a computer in an organization, several packages and software have lent a helping hand toward assisting business processes in HR, supply chain, manufacturing, sales, and more.  So also, ERP has gained assistance through several measures of packages by means of vendors and related services who proclaim their product to supplement the desired features.

Whatever the benefits might be, ERP solutions are a little tedious to implement and might seem a ‘to-consider-factor” by the organization. However, when implemented, ERP can serve a mighty deal in streamlining the processes and vitalizing the business. Simplicity in performance, constant focus in implementation, and intricate planning is what it takes in implementing ERP in an organization. As easy it might sound, the issue of implementation does take time to set in stream.

Globalization, the way it has turned out to be is certainly impressive and so does ERP in businesses. The changing impact of globalization and the turn-over of economies have demanded the need for Open Source ERP Solutions these days. Demands are definitely paid away, and thus we see a number of Open source ERP Solutions penetrating the market today. The validity and the applicability are definitely questionable and it is appropriate for the client to asses the virtues of the system before it gets the final application. The robustness of the Open Source ERP Solutions depends on the threat-proof level of the client and their desire and extent to implement the solution. Though open source systems were considered a taboo by many, we now witness that permanence is not the only solution.

Implementation of an ERP in project management involves the following steps:

  • Assess the methods of practice at all levels of the organization
  • Perform simulation trials that are specific to the business
  • Evaluate the economy involved in implementing the solution
  • Make sure that all levels of management participate in understanding the ‘know-how’
  • Finally, prior to implementation, validate the process because validation not only improves compliance during performance but also brings to view the effects when the system goes null.

There are several queries racing your minds when you think about implementing an ERP solution toward project management. Whatever, the solution you adopt for, an ideal Open source ERP should focus on:

  • Management of resources in planning the economy
  • Channelize workflow and smoothen business processes
  • Aid in improvising the technical and infrastructural details
  • Help in decisive process strategies in assessing risk, other proceedings and more
  • Optimize the outcomes and bridge other activities in the organization
  • Work in frequency with business requirements
  • Help in implementing various skills and practices of TQM and more.

With respect to the following features, the question of suiting an Open Source ERP in the framework certainly needs consideration and it does have benefits and disadvantages as well.

The biggest advantage an Open Source system would posses is the lack of operating fee, which is one of the biggest relaxing aids an industry could obtain. And the very name ‘open’ implies that the integration of these systems could occur with any Operating systems such as LINUX and open databases help in the storage and retrieval of information with ease. Support and maintenance would form the least considerable factor except for situations when customizations at higher levels are required. Integration is accepted with a wide range of formats because Open Systems are expected to play well with most of the formats adopted today.

However compatible they can be, finding a support measure for these Open Systems are rather difficult. Open Systems are built with increased features that burden their compatibility with internal operating modes. Easy come and easy go! Rumors about the life of such Open Source Systems creep around thus making us wonder if the system really benefits the organization in the long run.
