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Success Story

Tips and Tricks for Writing your Success Story

Well, this blog post isn’t the same cliche that tells you about success story and failure. Trust me, as your eyes roll down this article, your perspective towards success and failure will change.

Success Story – Tips and Tricks

Kill the panicking panic

Get a glimpse of your past failures. May be a football match, a cricket tournament, not clearing competitive exams, web development tasks and interviews. Every failure you came across, should have taught you a lesson. But we forget the lesson and get occupied by the tough situation. We get panicked. Always observe the lesson from every failure. Try to collect the mistakes and work on them. This act, if does not bring success to you in your next attempt, will at least bring you satisfaction. The satisfaction that has made you better; The contentedness that has moved you forward; The complacency that has expanded your capability. Try and cherish!

Mastered by Mistakes

‘One mistake leads to failure; Several monitored mistakes lead to success’. The word ‘monitored’ is being italicized in the above mentioned quote because the mistake you make during your first failure will teach you the ‘a’ of the 26 alphabets. When you tend to monitor your consecutive failures, you will end up in forming a beautiful word out of the 26 alphabets called ‘Success’. Worst case you will land in a state where the success reward just slips off your hands still you realize the Dexter in you.

Sometimes Success Principles Pay

Everyday there is a trending success story about someone from some corner of the world. These successful people might have had a set of principles followed for several years that have brought their talents to light. It is always better for a developing person to follow such successful people. Sometimes many have them as their icon. The path they passed by, crossing several hurdles would have taught them lessons. When we follow the same, our effort in formulating a success plan is less. We have better visibility towards the results. If this doesn’t work, it is also easy to figure out our flaws. It will also help us being positive always.

Symbols of Success

Let me take you all to the success stories of several people. Jack Ma, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Michael Jordan, Mahendra Singh Dhoni and this list is infinite. They have something in common. The ‘Never Give-Up’ attitude, that brought them to this diers where we have been honoring them now, as the embodiment of success. They changed their focus towards success and failure expecting no lauds for what they do and are still doing. Building your character with such attitude bricks will never make you fall.

No Man is Perfect

All the men above we have been reading about, were once imperfect. They learnt and are still learning from their mistakes with persistence as a lifeline. Learning that it is not always necessary to be perfect, will also help us. Thus it will help us recognize our mistakes.

In conclusion, hope your travel through this set of words would have been the much needed motivation and eye opener that I was expecting it to be. So stop slacking and go do something that will make the world stop in its tracks for a minute and take a look back at you.

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