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Website Redesign

When is it time to redesign your website?

Businesses and other organizations pride themselves on having a great website. It’s an important way to broadcast your brand, provide information about your services, and convert visitors into customers. But when is it time to redesign your website? This can be a drastic move that costs time and money, plus potentially disrupting your customers’ ability to use your website the way they did before. It can also require that your web management team spend additional time learning to use the new system. As such, it can be a big decision to make, but sometimes it needs to be done. Here are some reasons why it may be time to redesign your website.

  • Your web framework can’t support modern features

Web developers rely more heavily on prebuilt web frameworks than ever before. Older websites can’t always keep up with the number of features, plugins, modules, and more that add new functionalities to web platforms. It may be a good reason to change to a new web framework that can utilize dynamic scripts and support modules for important functions like e-commerce and content management. 

Switching to a more modern framework makes a redesign more customizable and easier. Python web development offers frameworks such as Django and Flask that are ideal for business and organizational websites. Using a Python web framework will make it easier to modernize your website’s appearance and features instead of struggling with less flexible tools. 

  • Your website isn’t mobile-friendly

Mobile-friendliness is a huge factor in web accessibility. 56% of web traffic is from mobile devices in 2021, per Oberlo. Traditional desktop site designs don’t do well on mobile due to screen size and poor loading optimization. They can be impossible to navigate due to menus and buttons being too small to click and text is hard to read. 

A full redesign is generally a necessity if mobile-friendliness is the goal. Mobile menus and navigation features need to be implemented, as well as scaling solutions for text and images, and loading speed optimizations. Many sites use a responsive design, which adapts to the size of the viewport and ensures that the varying sizes of mobile device screens can view it properly. Another approach is to redirect mobile users to a mobile version of the site, with a subdomain with pages for each existing web page, but this requires more work and can confuse search engines if not labeled properly. 

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  • Your web design is visually outdated

Studies have found that 38% of people will stop engaging with a website if its appearance and layout are unattractive. Review your site to see if it has clashing colors, hard-to-read text, poorly placed images, and other visual elements that are jarring and make the website unpleasant to browse. If a site looks ‘old’ due to design elements that other sites no longer use, visitors may think it is out of date and unreliable. 

  • Your user experience and navigation don’t work well

User experience is one of the most important factors in whether users stay on a site or choose another one, especially if they have other options from a web search. To keep your bounce rate low and to increase the time spent on your site, improve navigation so visitors can easily browse and click links. Navigation can be improved in a redesign backed by a more streamlined Python web framework that offers clearly organized URLs and makes menus and navigation elements easier to keep up to date. 

  • The website is not accomplishing your goals

When deciding whether a website needs to be redesigned or rebuilt from scratch, a key question is whether it is successfully doing what it should be doing. The main purpose may be direct sales, customer account creation, or sign-ups to a mailing list. The conversion rate shows what percent of visitors completed the goal. If it’s unusually low, the website design may be at fault and there may be no simple way to improve the conversion rate. A website that fails in its main purpose is in serious need of a redesign. 

Final Thoughts

Website redesigns can be a major investment, but they can pay off. Modernizing your website with an experienced Python web development team can improve the performance of your site on multiple levels and add new features that were out of reach before. It’s time to audit your web presence and decide if a new website is right for you.

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