
This can be a question that most wanna-be-bloggers want an answer for. I did a bit of Googling and found the following statistics.

As I write this blog, WordPress claims that the web has 73129902 WordPress sites and about half the number is hosted by them. Wow! Numbers speak for themselves.

It is also said that WordPress.com users produce about 500,000 new posts and 400,000 new comments on an average day.

Why WordPress still rules?

There are thousands of websites that stand testimony that WordPress is web software we can use to create a beautiful websites or blogs. On top of that, WordPress is free. WordPress says that its core software is built by hundreds of community volunteers, WordPress Developers and when a new blogger or website administrator needs it there are thousands of plugins and themes available to transform the site into almost anything one can imagine.

Some of the sites that are built on the WordPress platform include


WordPress stats infographic

VIP Intensive Developer Workshop in Napa, California

paid Content

From TechCrunch to TED, CNN, and the National Football League, WordPress.com users span a broad range.

What fellow bloggers feel about WordPress?

David Sylvester, Self-Employment, Internet Marketing,

I think WordPress is almost universally accepted as the best blogging platform. It’s flexible, has an active developer community, and had good SEO right out of the box.

Blogger is good too. It’s really easy to use. It has fewer options than WordPress, which I’m sure is fine by a lot if people.

Tumblr is a micro blogging platform. I didn’t even consider it to be blogging until I saw it referenced that way. I don’t know anything about Typepad.

Why is WordPress still loved by bloggers?

  • Full standards compliance
  • No rebuilding
  • WordPress Pages
  • WordPress Links
  • WordPress Themes
  • Cross-blog communication tools
  • Comments
  • Spam protection
  • Full user registration
  • Password Protected Posts
  • Easy installation and upgrades
  • Easy Importing
  • XML-RPC interface
  • Workflow
  • Typographical niceties
  • Intelligent text formatting
  • Multiple authors
  • Bookmarklets
  • Ping away

Details about these key features can be read from https://wordpress.org/about/features/

Having said these, one the most undeniable reasons why WordPress still rules is the ease of use and the host of features that can make a common man a wonderful blogger overnight!

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