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Bespoke features to elevate the consumer experience!

Egrove systems, a connoisseur in the Mobile app development arena has announced the release of Elite mcommerce version 3.0.

PARLIN, NEW JERSEY, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, August 27, 2018 eGrove launches Elite mCommerce 3.0

Egrove systems, a connoisseur in the Mobile app development arena has announced the release of Elite mcommerce version 3.0. A mobile commerce app builder which targets to ease down the complete process of mobile app development for online business owners.
“This mobile app builder will be a comprehensive package of various elements intending to decode the technical complexities which accompany a typical mobile app development.” says Sathish Govindaraj, Chief Technical Officer.

Release Highlights:

Elite mcommerce 3.0 will support retailers to own a personalized mobile app branded with themes, layouts and templates of their preference. “Elite mCommerce 3.0 aims to untangle the intricacies which go into the development of a mobile app. We have ensured that with Elite mCommerce 3.0 retailers can build their mobile app seamlessly, with minimal technical support” said Krish Govindaraj, Chief Executive Officer, eGrove Systems.

Elite mCommerce 3.0 will bring with it a number of standalone features. Our engineers have approached the whole creation from three interesting angles of a “Mobile retail store”: One, minimizing the technical dependencies, secondly, dovetailing with app analytics and finally, end users’ shopping experience.

Features such as Home page builder minimizes the technical dependencies and yet help in creating a killer app. This feature enables the business owners to design their pages and arrange the categories of items they sell based on criteria like seasons, themes, brands and so on; with least technical intervention. With App Analytics – business owners can now be informed of their page performance then and there and act immediately.

Here is a list of distinctive features that will make you curious about EMC 3.0:

  1. Multilingual support
  2. Deep linking
  3. Intelligent push notifications
  4. Robust social media interaction
  5. Scalable product listing & detail layouts
  6. Compatible payment methods
  7. QR code & NFC scanner
  8. 3-way enhanced communication
  9. White labeling

Elite mCommerce 3.0 will be a game changing mobile commerce app builder and aims for aspiring retailers to interact and understand the customers and serve them seamlessly.

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