
My Right Deal

Right Deal


Myrightdeal.com is an eCommerce website which is handling more than 100,000 products, implemented using Open Source eCommerce Software Community edition to handle the volume of visitors. The website has been implemented with CRON for the product, stock and order update from suppliers and notifications to customers. The website has a guest checkout option where the customer can purchase the product without entering a password.

The website has advanced search and filters features for product search and browsing. The website has SMS gateway integration for order notifications to customers. The website has implemented Advanced Deals/Promotion features, Advanced Rewards points system, Abandoned Cart reminder implementation, Zip Code based Shopping, Advanced Menu navigation and Product Presentation to customers.


Features Implemented in My Right Deal

  • EBS Payment Gateway Integration
  • SMS Plugin Integration
  • Full page Cache Implementation
  • NGinx Web Server Integration
  • Advanced Navigation and filters
  • Reward Point System
  • Advanced Promotion and Abandoned Cart Implementation
  • Database Level SEO Optimization
  • Website Performance Tuning & Optimization
  • Zip Code Shipping page
  • Intelligent One Page Checkout


  • Custom Theme Development 97% 97%
  • Module Implementation 99% 99%
  • Maintenance & Support 92% 92%

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