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  • videomeme


Vid Meme is an online video meme creating tool. It was developed using Python-Django technologies. Vid Meme enables users to create Memes for videos. The users can upload videos directly from desktop folders or from YouTube. Vid Meme is also capable of accepting videos of less than 50 MB and creating memes. Vid Meme also enables users to upload videos of any format from YouTube with the help of YouTube DL package integrated to it. Vid Meme accepts different formats of videos for meme creation including MP4, and can get the output video in different formats and different quality or size to share among different devices and web platforms. The frontend of this website was implemented using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, Twitter Bootstrap and the backend was implemented using Django.



  • Role-based accessibility settings for user types – General user and Administrator user.
  • A Dashboard for each user to view their generated video meme.
  • Preview and play generated video online, download and delete the video from the panel.
  • YouTube DL package for fetching all kinds of YouTube videos to VidMeme server and take for meme creation.
  • ‘ffmpeg’ module for generating video memes in different media and encoding formats and different sizes.
  • Registered users will be able to generate high resolution videos.
  • Email notifications for users after generation of Video meme and to download.
  • Django CK editor for managing and customize mail templates.


Python 2.7, Django 1.8, PostgreSQL, FFMPEG, Facebook API, YouTube API, YouTube DL, Javascript, HTML5, CSS3, Twitter Bootstrap, CKEditor, Django Forms, Django Bootstrap, BeautifulSoup, GEvent, MoviePy.



Video Meme’s website was developed with the business goal of creating memes for videos by users and to explore users’ creative ideas.


  • Multimedia
  • Social Media
  • Social Utility
  • Entertainment


  • United States

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